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NAMI Orange County will be hosting "Laugh Rx: A Stand-Up Comedy Workshop Program" -- a series of comedy training workshops in March through June of 2024.

This Spring, NAMI Orange County launches “Laugh Rx”, a Stand-up Comedy Workshop series, in which professional comedian, bestselling author, and mental health advocate, Aidan Park, will teach community members how to share their story in a funny and relatable way. 

Through family-friendly exercises in self-introduction, emotional signature, and overcoming emotional challenges, “Laugh Rx” will help build confidence, foster connections, and break stigma, allowing participants to feel validated in their personal experiences and less isolated in the world. Every participant will be given the (optional) opportunity to perform their coached, practiced piece at the end of the workshop. Lunch will be provided!

Three of the workshops will be highlighting a specific community: March: LGBTQ, April: TAY (Transitional Age Youth/Teens and Young Adults), and May: AAPI. The Final workshop in June will highlight mental health in general. Each workshop will be open to the entire community. Anyone interested in participating is welcome to join.

June 4


June 23

Diversionary Comedy (San Diego)